Terms & Conditions
(a)All current tariffs, rates and insurance policies referred to in the Rental Agreement and herein may be inspected at our offices and maybe subject to change.
2. INSURANCE – Using our Insurance Policy.
a)The Rental Agreement is subject to, and includes, all the terms of our insurance policies.
b)The Vehicle may only be driven by the following people:
i)The person named as the Driver on the Hire Agreement.
ii)Any Additional Driver that has also completed the relevant licence checks, which we have reviewed and accepted, and the Additional Driver charges have been paid.
d)You may also have the ability to take out additional insurance; this will be indicated in the Rental Agreement showing the further charges incurred.
e)The excess is owed for ANY damage or loss to the Vehicle. Payment of the excess must be paid at the time the accident, damage or loss occurred, regardless of whether the hire will continue or not.
f)If you or anyone on your behalf deliberately causes damage to, or the loss, of the Vehicle then you will have to pay the full cost of repair or replacement of the Vehicle, even though it was insured at the time.
g)You agree to pay any uninsured losses for any accidents, damage or loss of the Vehicle including, but not limited to overhead damage, damage to tyres, recovery, storage and loss of use.
h)You should also note that:
ii)The insurance cover may be cancelled if you have given any false information;
iii)The insurance cover may be cancelled if you fail to keep up with your hire payments.
3. INSURANCE – Providing Your Own Insurance Cover For Our Vehicle
2)It is your responsibility to insure the Vehicle from the moment you take it until the time it is returned to us. You must insure it to its full value, against loss or damage (including windscreen damage) by accident, fire or theft, under a comprehensive insurance policy with a reputable insurance company. You must supply us with full details whenever we ask for them, and you must tell the insurance company to note our interest in the policy.
b)You hereby authorise your insurer to communicate directly with us and give us any information we require. You also authorise us to take over any claim you have which relates to the Vehicle, and to negotiate and settle that directly with your insurer.
c)You must not use or permit the Vehicle to be used in breach of the insurance policy. If any money is paid out under the policy that relates to the Vehicle then you must ensure that the money is paid directly to us.
d)If you do not insure the Vehicle comprehensively, or if the insurance company do not accept the claim for any reason or if the insurance company do not communicate and negotiate with us you must compensate us for those losses immediately.
e)If for any reason the amount paid by your insurance company is less than the loss that we suffer, you must pay us the difference immediately.
b)The Vehicle will be insured as per our insurance cover detailed in Section 2 unless you have arranged your own insurance cover.
c)The Vehicle will be clean and mechanically sound.
d)The Vehicle will be taxed and hold a current MOT certificate, if required.
e)We will provide breakdown cover within mainland UK only.
f)If the Vehicle breaks down and cannot be repaired we will provide you with another, comparable vehicle and if we are unable to do so will refund you the cost of the period of hire you were unable to use the vehicle.
g)If the Vehicle is stolen we will provide you with another, comparable vehicle to be collected from our offices assuming you still have the key and the excess payment has been paid. However, if we do not have a vehicle available no refund will be due for your remaining hire period.
a)We are entitled to terminate this agreement if you break any of its terms, and you must then return the Vehicle immediately.
b)We are entitled to terminate this agreement if vehicle tracker information on the Vehicle hired demonstrates driving which would not be acceptable to an insurance company or other relevant authority.
c)We are entitled to terminate this agreement if we are notified you have been blacklisted by another Rental Company, if the police make enquires regarding your hire or we receive any other notification/information which suggests the Vehicle is not being used in a way that would be acceptable to us or an insurance company.
d)We are entitled to terminate this agreement if you fail to keep up with your hire payments.
e)We are entitled to terminate this agreement earlier than the date ‘Charge To’ shown on the Rental Agreement, even if you have not broken any of the terms of the Rental Agreement, but we must then provide you with a comparable vehicle.
f)In any event, the maximum period for which you can hire the Vehicle is 90 days.
b)be used other than on a public highway or a suitably paved area which is designed to carry motor vehicles;
c)be used to propel or tow any other vehicle or trailer;
d)be used to carry passengers for hire or reward or for any driving tuition, unless you obtain our prior written permission and you must provide your own insurance under Section 3;
e)be used for any unlawful purpose, or for racing, pace making, competitions or speed testing, nor must it be used in any unlawful manner.
f)be used in such a manner that it is overloaded (whether in total or in respect of any axle or other part) or is carrying more passengers or goods than it was designed to carry or may lawfully carry;
g)be used to carry livestock, transit of animals in a business capacity, hazardous chemicals, explosives or any other substances that may cause damage to vehicles or health in the event of an incident or accident.
h)be used in such a way as to make the insurance on the Vehicle invalid;
i)be used in breach of the any Road Traffic legislation or the Construction and Use Regulations;
ii)be used by any person who is not licensed and insured for it;
iii)be used by any person who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs or medically unfit to drive; be used in the event of any mechanical, electrical and structural failure or damage, if further damage would be caused as a result; be altered or added to in any way whatsoever.
You must return the Vehicle when required to allow us to conduct servicing, repairs, MOT and any other works which may be required to ensure the Vehicle is/remains mechanically sound and safe to drive. You will be supplied with a comparable vehicle whilst works are completed. Failure to return the Vehicle as requested may result in your Hire Agreement being terminated and you will be liable for any additional repairs costs required and any additional off road costs, due to issues not being resolved in a timely manner.
b)pay for all fuel and any refuelling charge;
c)pay for any accessories, tyres, tools or equipment that are lost, stolen or damaged;
d)pay our costs of recovering the Vehicle in the event that you fail to return it to us as required by Section 8; or if the Vehicle is impounded, towed away or seized by the police or other authorities.
e)pay any penalties, fines and court costs incurred in the use of the Vehicle before it was returned to us;
f)safeguard our interests in the event of any accident involving the Vehicle, by obtaining the names and addresses of all relevant drivers and witnesses, details to include registration numbers, makes, model and colour of any other vehicles involved, securing the Vehicle and, where appropriate, notifying the police. To also take pictures of damage to our and third party vehicles, the accident scene, road layout, etc. if possible. You must complete an Accident Claim Form fully and in a timely manner and provide any statements requested and provide all assistance required by our insurance company in order to defend or mitigate our claim/loss, up to and including attending any court proceedings/case that may result.
g)ensure that the correct tyre pressures, engine oil level, battery fluid level, screen wash level, coolant level and automatic transmission oil level, Adblue level (where fitted) are maintained throughout the period of the hire;
h)ensure that the Vehicle is always locked when unattended, and take all reasonable steps to prevent loss of, or damage to the Vehicle or its tyres, tools, accessories, equipment or contents;
i)inform us immediately if the Vehicle is damaged, lost or stolen, or develops any fault or requires any servicing, and allow us to carry out essential repairs or servicing;
j)return the Vehicle (together with all its accessories, tyres, tools and equipment) to our representative at the place where it was hired (unless a different place is specified in the Rental Agreement) during our business hours, at or before the date and time ‘Charge To’ shown on the Rental Agreement or earlier if we require it.
k)The Vehicle must, when you return it, be in the same condition as when you hired it (fair wear and tear excepted) and must be clean and tidy (normal traffic grime excepted). Smoking is prohibited in any of our vehicles. If the Vehicle requires more that our standard valeting or if you have smoked inside the Vehicle you will be charged a valeting charge as detailed on the Deposit Form. If the interior has been damaged in any way, then you will be responsible for the cost of rectifying the damage. Such damage is not covered by CDW or our insurance cover.
i)If the Vehicle is returned more than half an hour late after the ‘Charge To’ time on the Rental Agreement you will be charged an additional full days hire at the current tariff. If you have gained our prior permission you will be charged an hourly rate as detailed on your Deposit Form.
m)No fuel refunds will be given.
n)If you hire the Vehicle on a long-term basis you must bring the Vehicle to us, to inspect and to review and sign your extension paperwork at a frequency of no longer than three calendar months.
You acknowledge that we may use and disclose data recorded in relation to this agreement to relevant third parties that may request such information. This may include such third parties as DVLA, police, insurance companies but not exclusively limited to these organisations.
This agreement will come to an end without further notice if a receiving order is made against you or being a company you go into liquidation, if you call a meeting of creditors, if distress or execution is levied against any of your goods or if you fail to perform or observe any of the terms of this agreement. Such termination will not affect our right to received payment of all charges due under the terms of the agreement and to seek compensation for additional costs incurred as a result of your failure to comply with your obligations. We shall immediately be entitled to repossess the Vehicle at your cost.
In the event that any term of this agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable or unlawful for any reason, such term will be held to that extent only to be removed from this agreement and the remainder of this agreement shall remain in full force effect.
This agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the country in which the rental commenced. Any dispute arising out of the terms of this agreement will be determined exclusively in that country.
a)Any vehicle hired under this agreement may only be driven by authorised drivers, who have been approved in writing by the lessor. I understand that should I breach these terms an additional rental charge will be levied. (This extra charge will not offer any insurance cover, and the hirer and driver will remain responsible for any losses incurred by the lessor or any third party).
b)The Vehicle may be fitted with a tracker which will track your location, monitor speed & driving safety.
c)I understand my email address will be used to communicate with me regarding my Hire Agreement and payment schedule. Your personal details may be supplied to a third party in order to recover any outstanding costs that we cannot recover. Your email address may also be added to our marketing database. You can opt out/review your subscription preferences at any time.
I authorise my payment card to be charged, or to abide by the terms of any Customer Account in place, by the Lessor for this Rental Agreement, including the cost of hire, insurance excess (excess charge for each incident that results in any damage irrespective of fault or extent of damage), deposit, any subsequent extension of hire, late return charges, fuel short charges, overhead damage, any uninsured losses, Additional Driver charges, valeting charges, penalty charges, administration fees and any other charges that may become due as a result of your hire of our vehicle. I understand that all charges must be paid at the time they become due. The card details provided has sufficient funds/credit to pay any charges that may reasonably be foreseen as due, and any invoices issued will be paid via BACS by the due date. All individuals and companies detailed on the Hire Agreement can be held responsible for any charges outstanding, together with any person or company that has paid using their payment card via our online booking Portal or confirmed their agreement to a Customer Account Facility. Failure to make payment on time will result in a Late Payment Fee being added to the hire charges. Failure to make payments as due may result in the hire being terminated, insurance cover being cancelled, reported to the police as stolen, etc.
I understand the Terms & Conditions of Hire and by signing the Hire Agreement confirm my, and any other associated individuals or companies, agreement to them.